Your Precious Gift: A Poem for Mikey

By Robert Bacik
In my head I still hear your voice
The words you say touch my soul
No more are your words spoken
Now I listen only through your musical bliss
For years I rode your melodic waves
Some drifting and mellow
Like sunset on the ocean
Some fast and raging
Like a tornado spinning free
Your songs are magical inspiration
Written as if to guide our journey
A provision to life’s lessons
Sensual and moving
Timeless, not to be forgotten
Forever I am grateful for your precious gifts
The gifts of song and music
A soundtrack to many lives
Simple and sensitive words
And that everlasting lingering lead
One that was like no other
If there are guitars in Heaven,
May yours sound the sweetest
If there are smiles in Heaven,
May yours be the widest
If there are moons in Heaven,
May yours be the brightest
As you dock your little white boat
And finish sailing from this dream
May the one’s before you get to know
Those precious gifts you bring –
Music, song, love and hope
Never again will be the same
This poem originally appeared in Honest Tune Magazine.
Photo of Mikey from, Kalamazoo 1997. Photographer Unknown